Sunday, August 27, 2017

One simple tool that can help improve your life

Hello everyone! I want to say hi to all my new comers and thanks to those that have been following my blog.  This week I was inspired by my friend Kayla.  She recently started a bullet journal.  A bullet journal is kind of like a planner, but its so much more than that.  She told me about it a month or so ago.  I kinda checked into a little, but then put it in the back of my mind.  Well, a few days ago she showed me her bullet journal.  It is amazing!  I loved it as soon as I saw it.  It gained my interest once more, and I have spent the last week in a practice one.  A practice notebook is just something I did, this is not a required step.  Today, I found a notebook that I think will be just prefect for me and I cant wait to get started over this next week.

Photo credit: Kayla

 Now, let me just give you some basis on what a bullet journal is.  All you need to get started is a blank notebook (lined or unlined) whatever your preference is, a pen, a ruler is helpful.  Like I said before it is alot like a planner.  Speaking of which have you ever bought a planner only to realize that the format its setup in is actually not helpful to you?  I have!  And if your like me this is the answer to your troubles.  In a bullet journal you create a unique format just for your needs.  It can be as simple or as detailed as you like.  I like to use mine as a hobby and  for stress relief.  I enjoy creating drawings and more details in it.  If you prefer just words that's okay too.  This can still work for you! Check this video out and learn how to get started here.

 You can use a bullet journal to catalog anything that you need to keep track of.  Naturally, you are going to want to have a page that includes a calendar. It is suggested that you have a page or two for all months (year at glance)  Then, a monthly, and also weekly pages.  These will help you keep track of birthdays, appointments, and other events you will need to remember.  You will draw your own format to organize that information, this is why a ruler can be helpful.

Year at glance


Currently I have lists everywhere.  There are lists on the fridge, on a clipboard that hangs on my wall.  A huge calendar, that I try to use to plan, it kinda works, but is not very efficient. I also keep important reminders in my phone (also still doesn't really help me)  and random papers scattered.  Its very disorganized, and I need a way to combine all these things.  It will help me be more organized with everything that is going on in my life.  I am very excited about this bullet journal.

Health page

Books read page

Expense tracker

In addition to a calendar, there are more things going on in our life that we need to keep up with.  This is where it gets so beautiful!  Since its not just a planner and you create the entire format you are able to add whatever you like.  There are no limitations.  In my practice journal I have made a page to log my blood pressure readings.  This is something I have been meaning to keep up with for a while, but never really had a good system to.  Now, I have hope that I will be able to keep track much better.  My friend Kayla, who I mentioned earlier keeps track of her sons type 1 diabetes.  She said to me that it has made her life much easier.  Also, I made a short term goal page as well as a long term goal page. I think that writing down my goals will help me to achieve them.  I will make a Vision board in my journal as well.  That is just a gathering of words and pictures that inspire you to become the person you want to be, and to keep you motivated so that you keep moving forward.
As you can see the possibilities are endless for this one.  Your bullet journal can be whatever you need it to be, and the best thing about it is there is NO RULES. You cant do it wrong!  Ill be getting started this week on mine. I will be posting my progress on my new Instagram page dedicated to my blog TSandraTalks.

Photo credit:  Tiffany Treece  "vision board"

Sunday, August 20, 2017

15 coping strategies for anxiety and depression

#1  Yoga/Exercise
Photo credit-Kara Saliba   Click here to follow Kara on Instagram

Yoga can help to relieve tension and reduce stress. Here is a Beginner video  to get you started.  If yoga isn't your cup of tea, why not try a daily exercise routine. 




#2 Writing

Photo Credit:  Raven Nicole click here to follow Raven on Facebook

When it comes to writing you have a variety of options to express yourself.  For one you could start a daily journal.  Writing in a journal is a lot like talking to another person, and you can say whatever you want since your the only one who will be reading it.    If a journal isn't the way to go for you, why not try Writing a little poetry, a short story or maybe even a song. 




#3  Listening to music

 Listening to your favorite type of music can help to boost your mood.  In fact the journal of positive psychology found that after two weeks of listening to upbeat music the participates reported feeling happier.

Photo Credit:  Shane Horton


#4  Reach out to a close friend or family member

 Talk to those you are closest with and let them know how you have been feeling.  They may be able to help in some way, even if that means just listening.

Photo credit: Alicia Gurley


#5  Chat with a complete stranger

Photo Credit:
Some may find it easier to talk to a non bias party about how you are feeling.   This is a website where you can connect with a trained listener for free.  If you feel that you need professional help you can also chat with a licensed therapist for a small fee.



#6  Go outside

As hard as it may be to get outside when your feeling anxious or depressed doing so has great benefits for your mental health. 

Photo credit:  Ariel Vertrea



#7  Deep breathing

You can take deep breaths when you are feeling overwhelmed.  Take special note to concentrate only on your breathing. 

Photo Credit:  Kayla Gottfried

#8  Get creative

 You could paint, maybe draw.  Get a coloring book.  Build something, Decorate, or cook something you never have before.  There is an endless list of possibilities for this one.  Whatever being creative means to you, try it and it is sure to lift your spirits.

Photo credit:  Tabitha Ferree


 #9  Go for a walk

 Going outside for a walk is beneficial in so many ways.  You will be getting exercise which releases feel good hormones in your brain.  Your serotonin and vitamin D levels will rise, helping to fight off depression.  

Photo Credit:  Tiffany Treece

#10   Take a bath

Did you know soaking in the tub or even taking a hot shower for 20 minutes can lower your blood pressure helping you to feel less stressed.

Photo credit:  Natalie Shuburte


#11  Do something nice for someone else

Photo credit:  Megan Crosby
Yes, you read that right.  Helping others with their problems helps us to work through our own.   It can be as simple as doing the dishes for someone or anything you find helpful.  We all have some way to give to another person.





#12  Prayer, Meditation and Mindfulness

Photo credit:  Raven Nicole and Everlee
Through prayer, meditation, and mindfulness we can gain perception into our lives.  Take the time to just reflect on yourself and the world around you.  Doing so can help to bring you peace.


#13  Escape... for a little while

We all need an escape from our own reality sometimes.  If you are able to, go on a mini vacation, or to visit some friends and relatives.  If that's not an option for you try reading a book or watching your favorite TV show.

Photo credit:  Tiffany Treece

#14 Get up and Get ready

Whenever I'm feeling down, I find that just getting up and getting ready for the day (even if I have nothing to do)  helps me to be more happy and less stressed.  Guys this goes for yall too!

Photo credit:  Carrie Schoolfield

#15 Explore something new

Its always fun to try something you haven't before.  I'm not saying you have to travel across the country.  There are possibilities all around you.  Whether it be visiting a new restaurant or taking up a new hobby.  The World is yours baby!  Go get it!

Photo credit:  Bethany  Beggs
Never hesitate to reach out to your doctor or a mental health specialist if you are experiencing prolonged periods of depression or anxiety. 



Monday, August 14, 2017

What its Like to be Food Insecure and How You Can Help

Food insecurity is a much larger problem than one may believe.  It is very likely that you have friends and/or family who are food insecure.  This means that their food source will run out before they have the money to replenish it.  This is an issue that hits home for me, because I have been food insecure for a large part of my life.  Being in this situation can cause a person and their children extreme mental anguish, largely affecting a person's overall well being.  The good news is that there is a solution.

Every day in America 1 in 6 people are classified as being food insecure.     Food is a basic necessity for life and someone you know is fighting this battle daily. No one should ever have to make the choice between food in their children's bellies and keeping a roof over their head, yet everyday this is the reality for many people.  Growing up, there was not an abundance of food in my home.  My siblings and I used to all dream about carts full of groceries at the store only to wake up and find that it was all a dream.   Each one of us have recalled different details of our dreams.  I can recall a vivid dream I had as a child.  My sister, brother, and I were all in the store.  We had juice drinks, fresh fruit, toaster pasties, cookies, candy, and all those goodies you want as a child.  I can remember how happy I was in my dream, and how sad I was upon waking.

My mother always worked.  In fact, most of the time, she had more than one job.  She wasn't home until late most nights due to her work schedule.   At the time, it was my older sister, my little brother and me.  Our mother would, of course, buy groceries but sometimes our food supply just got extremely low before she would be able to buy more.  Don't get me wrong, we never went hungry but it wasn't always a very balanced diet.  Before time to shop again we would eat beans and noodles for a few nights.  I can only imagine the amount of stress and worry that woman carried on her shoulders each and every day.  I honestly cannot understand how she even got herself out of bed in the morning.  She was doing everything she could to make ends meet, and yet it was still a daily struggle.

When I think back to mealtimes when we were young, I distinctly remember how our mother never ate until we were all full and finished. She did this because she wanted to make sure there was enough for us.  When we asked her why she wasn't eating she would tell us she wasn't hungry.  When we got older and realized what she was doing, we were more considerate and encouraged her to sit and eat with us.  I'll never forget when I was about 6 years old.  We had hamburgers for dinner.  For some reason I was being very difficult that day.  I picked up my hamburger and tossed it.  It rolled off the table and into the floor and was ruined.  I remember my mom telling me that's all we had to eat.  I cried after realizing I was hungry and had ruined my food.  She made me promise to be grateful from that point on and then she gave me hers.

My big sister learning to make dumplings

 There were many nights of biscuits and gravy for supper and and canned green beans for an after school snack.  My sister used to make us goulosh a lot. (You can find the recipe at the end of this post.)  We even had surprise can night.  This consists of can foods that no longer have a label on them.  They used to sell them in grocery stores for super cheap!  My mother would buy these and we would all pick a can for dinner.  I can remember hoping for something really good, and usually it ended up being beets.  And leftovers were absolutely not wasted!  When there were leftovers in the fridge it was an excuse to spend quality time together and get creative!  We did at times wonder if we would have something to eat.  Mother always managed to come up with something for us even if  all we had was flour and water.  We were all taught a very powerful message. You can do a lot with very little.

My little brother, big sister, and me

 A lot of good came out of us being poor and having limited food supply.  My mom taught us that we have a lot more than some people and it's true we did.  Somewhere out there we had more than someone else.  We were taught to be grateful for what we had.  We ate what was put in front of us without much complaint.  We were still ungrateful and frustrated at times, like kids will be.  But we learned to appreciate and be thankful in time.  Now as adults even more so because sometimes we will find ourselves in a similar situation.  Because of our mom we have the skills and resources to rectify the situation.  As children we knew our circumstances were different than other families but I don't remember ever being jealous or angry.   Mostly we were grateful for what we had.  I learned a lot of very important lessons growing up that I have carried with me all my life.  Since I didn't have very much as a child, it taught me to be resourceful and waste as little as possible.  I learned to be thoughtful and cooperative at a very young age.  Most importantly I learned to give.  I witnessed family, friends, and neighbors give to us.  I am grateful for all those who took notice of our situation and did what they could to help.  Their generosity and kindness is still valued today.

 People tend to hide that they are struggling.  They may feel shame or embarrassment.  I know I did.  A person can become depressed when food is not available to them.  As a child, I struggled to be able to focus in school because I was always worried about my home life.  Most people are not going to ask for help.  It is humiliating to have to tell someone that you don't know what you will be having for your next meal.  Not having food is enough to make you want to stop living.  If you have ever been there, you know what I am talking about.  For those of you experiencing food insecurity, I urge you to reach out for help.  Let others know what you are going through.  Do not be ashamed to visit your local food bank, or other food assistance programs.  That is why these programs exist.  Your lack of food is a temporary circumstance and getting the help you need now will help aid you to become more independent in the future.  Everyone needs help sometimes.  You are not failing.  Be proud that you are trying, and trying IS NOT failing.

I want to be part of the solution.  I may not have an excess of money, but I have skills.  I can use my knowledge and coupon strategies to help others.  I can pick up a few extra food items while I am shopping.  I know how to get products for very cheap and I can afford to grab some extras to contribute to those in need.  Just because I may not have a lot to give doesn't mean I have nothing.  We all have something to give.  Whether it be money, food, knowledge, transportation, or however you can help.  The smallest gestures can make the biggest difference. 

This has only been my story.  There are so many others out their facing much worse conditions.  Not everyone has the kind of mother I do.  Food insecurity is a major problem in every community today.   Remember that people wont always ask for help.  Don't let that stop you from offering.  Also keep in mind that if you are the one who is struggling, it is temporary, you will get through this.  Be brave!  Persevere!  Tell your story and reach out to others for support.  Everyone has something to give.  Find your own unique way that you can help.


*1 can/jar spaghetti sauce
*1 can mixed vegetables
*1lb elbow macaroni
*1/2 ground beef (optional)

Directions: Cook pasta according to package directions.  Brown meat if using.  Drain pasta and meat.  Combine all ingredients and heat through.

Monday, August 7, 2017

My Discovery of Minimalism

On my search for happiness and purpose I have discovered Minimalism.  Minimalism is about living with what is most valuable to a person, and removing what is not.  This does not mean just physical belongings, but anything in your life that takes away from what you really want to be doing.  This can mean anything from an event you really don't care to attend,  a thought consuming your mind, or simply that ugly vase that aunt Gerdie left you.  There is not a certain number of items you must own to be considered minimal.  There are no rules. It is about recognizing your true priorities and letting go of everything else.  For me, having memories and experiences is much more valuable than "stuff".   Stuff gets in the way of me being able to make memories and go on adventures.  I am done with the things I own actually owning me.  I will no longer allow things to control my life or put a damper on it.  I want to be free, and live my life as simply as possible.  I choose to live with very few possessions. I choose to put my time and energy where It matters the most, for me. 

 I had all these items stuffed in closets, pushed under beds, and in cabinets.  It was like every door I opened something fell out.  I was miserable.  The items I owned were taking over my life.  It was like I was living to just care for the items.  It was a daily struggle just to get the house picked up.  Most days I just couldn't deal with it.  I found that I would organize, then it never stayed that way.  I wanted to be able to get out of the house and do something fun.  I never could find the time to do much.  I was very depressed.  My life felt hopeless.  It may sound silly to some, however when you are living with an anxiety disorder and depression its nothing to laugh about.  Each day was getting more and more difficult to get out of the bed.  Then, a day came where my sister called and told me to look up minimalism and so I did.  That was the day I began to change in every aspect of myself.  I watched a documentary called The Minimalists. You can check out their website here.  This is where I started.  It was my gateway into this new lifestyle.   After watching that documentary I was hooked, and began immediately going through my belongings.  I started in the easiest place for me which was clothes. That first evening I went through my closet and removed two bags of clothes, and a few pair of shoes I never wore.  I dropped them off at a donation center and never looked back.  It empowered me to be able to let go of stuff.  Everyday I would awake and find a place to begin, maybe it was just a closet or drawer for that day, and I went through it.  It wasn't always easy to part with my belongings, but I pressed on.  My outlook was that the more stuff I got rid of, the less time I would spend cleaning. Instead I could have time to find myself. The days went on and I did a little each day.

When parting with my physical items it brought back all sorts of emotions. There were several things I took pictures of to help this process for me.  I felt like I was throwing memories away.  All these items brought back an important moment or time in my life and here I was throwing them in the trash.   So when I placed them in the trash (or donation bag) I asked myself  "do you still have the memories?"  The answer was yes!  Memories cannot be discarded.  They are logged in our mind, and if we do need that physical reminder of one of our old possessions a picture is almost just as good. It also takes up a lot less space, especially if you digitize them.

When it comes to obligations and responsibilities many of us bite off much more than we can chew.  There's the kids sports, church activities, family outings, reunions, weddings, birthday party's, etc.  The list could go on and on.  I had all kinds of stuff that was taking up my time.  The worst part though, I didn't even want to be where I was.  Then why was I wasting my time at an event or activity that I didn't care about.  I was letting others tell me what I should be doing.  The pressure of responsibilities that another person put on me, that I voluntarily accepted.  It made zero sense.  I since have eliminated all  obligations that do not add value to my life and I am a much happier person for it.

When a person is minimal that means that they have evaluated their lives and omitted whatever is not important.  Whether it be an object, obligation or any aspect of their life that needed cleaned out.   The entire point is that what is important to someone is getting the time it deserves, and everything else is forgotten.  The importance for me was that I needed to be less stressed and I needed my spare time to use for me.  Minimalism has helped me eliminate the unnecessary objects from my life.  I can now prioritize what is important to me.  I am a happier person and  I have the time I need to focus on the things that matter to me.  I have let go of material items, and now  I collect memories and experiences, not possessions.