Sunday, September 17, 2017

Say Yes to Yourself!

Hey guys! As you probably know I have missed the last two weeks of doing my blog post.  Now to some maybe you would say I have failed my goal, but I say no.  I recognized that I got off track and now here I am to fulfill this obligation to myself.  We only fail when we stop trying.  Making mistakes is part of the learning process you have not failed you have learned something new.

I am still on my my journey of self discovery.  In the past few weeks I have managed to accomplish some things I did not believe I was capable of doing.  I pushed myself to say "I can".  I believe we all can do more, if we just try.  Stop listening to that voice in your head that says " I can't, I am not capable, I don't have the skills..."  Whatever it is that you say to yourself that discourages you, stop those thoughts!  Instead tell yourself  "I can'' or at least "I can try".  Believe in yourself!  Ignore others who tell you that its only a dream.  Its not just a "dream"  Its your dream!   Most of the time, its not even other people who talk us out of what we really want to be doing.  Its ourselves.  We are our own worst enemy. 

Last week my dryer went out.  I was annoyed and upset.  It always feels like its something right.  "You know you cannot afford a new dryer"  Those negative thoughts started to creep in and I told them. Stop!  I took to the internet to try to figure out what was wrong and if I could fix it.  As I read articles, and watched videos a voice inside said, you know nothing about dryers.  You cant do this.  You wont follow through. You don't have the tools to do this.  You will fail!  I scream to myself "SHUT UP!''  I drowned out the inner voice and say.  I can do this.  I will try my best.  I am capable.  I will find a way.  I will learn.  I told myself these things, and the voice inside started to believe.  I can and I will fix this dryer.  I didn't do it on my own.  I told my husband I was determined and we would work through it together.  I learned about it and instructed him on each step toward fixing it.  We didn't have all the right tools.  I asked a neighbor to borrow them.  Then, we hit another road block. Now we needed a part and it just so happens a man here in town had just what we needed.  We put it all back together, and it worked.  We reached out to others to help us with what we were missing and it all came together.

I know this is just a story about a dryer but it is the little things like these that can teach you so much.  I had no idea how to fix a dryer.  Instead of throwing it out and buying a new one,  I learned about my dryer.  One day I may use that knowledge again.  It gave me a boost in my self confidence for sure.  I believed I could do more!  So... the next day I was off to build a bench.   It seemed so easy in my mind.  It was NOT easy.  I found that I didn't know what tools to use or how to operate them.  I call this a learning "experience".  I now know that our household needs tools.  I also discovered that I am interested in learning to build.  I gathered all of this, because I made a tiny choice to try to fix my dryer.

What if I had listened to that voice inside myself?  I would still have a broken dryer or I would be $400 in debt.  Instead I told that voice to hush it and figured it out.  It feels good to step out of my comfort zone and do things I am scared to do.  I manage a Facebook page and sometimes I make videos.  The first time I ever did that I was terrified.  I almost talked myself out of it.  Now I am so glad I did it.  It has been an awesome experience!  I am overcoming my stage fright fear.  I am being myself, unedited.  I get to share with others about my new journey and how it has helped to improve my life.

I am changing for the better because of small choices I make each day.  Its all about baby steps to get you to where you are going.  It is about saying yes! when your inner voice is screaming NO!  Ignore negative advice and spend your time with people who believe in you. Get off your phone. Stop watching TV.  Use that time to explore what it is that matters to you!  You ARE good enough. You CAN achieve your goals!

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