Friday, July 28, 2017

Using Experiences to Find Happiness

In my last blog post, I mentioned that I had been spending my time doing various activities.  Now, you may be thinking I took control of my life and went skydiving, started a charity or opened my own business. Well, I haven't done any of those things yet.  Instead, I have found a more creative approach to branching out.  When it comes to resources I have available, money is not one of them.  I am challenged to begin a new hobby or lifestyle change that cost little to no money.  I focus on what I  do have the resources for.  Then, I think about what sort of things I am interested in, and which resources line up to make this possible.  Volunteering was right up my alley. It gave me a chance to give back, it was new, and it didn't cost any money.  I also took up extreme couponing, that actually felt like more of a job than a hobby.  I changed my diet and became vegan for a short while.  Each one of these brought about life changes in me.  It may not sound like much looking from the outside; however when you start to do these types of things it changes you within.

I volunteered at a local free clothing closet while my son was at preschool.  I helped to organize the closet whenever I could for several weeks.  I folded and hung clothes, and assisted shoppers in finding clothing items they were in need of.  I donated an air conditioner, several bags of clothes, and clothing rack as well. Helping others brought happiness to myself.  It gave me something to look forward to each week, and at that time I was in desperate need to have something to do that made a difference.  The closet taught me that something very small can make a huge impact in another person's life.

I became a couponer!  I needed a way to feel like I was earning money.  Since I was unable to get a job, I came up with the idea that I would save money instead.  I talked with my mother and my sister in law, who were both experienced when it came to extreme couponing.  The first rule of couponing is to buy it on sale and use a coupon. I did just that.  I began to pay attention to how much things actually cost.  I began to plan meals based on what was on sale that week.  I was more flexible on the items I would use.  The brands of products I began using broadened.  If it was on sale and I could get it for a great price, I was willing to give it a whirl!  I discovered I liked a lot of these brands that I had never tried before.  I was able to stretch my dollar.  I even made it a game.  Each time I walked in a store.  I had my list in one hand and my coupons in the other.  It was me against the register and I was in it to win it.  I took shopping seriously and still do now.  I would gaze upon the full price of ketchup and keep my basket rolling.  Besides, it was bound to be on sale next week for half that, and I have a coupon that will make it even cheaper. I felt unstoppable. Once, I even bought seventy-five boxes of hamburger helper for twelve dollars and some change.  It was unreal to me that this had existed and I never took advantage of it before.  I started a stock pile. It consisted of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, deodorant, female hygienic products, razors, and much more. Since then, I have took up minimalism which I will discuss later in a blog post.  I no longer keep a stock pile. I have given away and used up most of what I had in my stockpile.  It was a personal choice.  I still use coupons and I continue to get products for less than they retail for; however I only get what I need and can use for the time being.  Couponing is still a big part of my life.  I use this lifestyle tool weekly.  

Another time, I decided to go vegan after watching a documentary about our food supply in America. I learned about how our food is genetically altered, and how we don't really know the long term effects that it has in our bodies.  I saw videos of how animals were treated, and came to know that animals who are raised for food have almost no rights to being treated humane.  What I saw was a disgrace, and I couldn't bear the thought of it all.  I wanted it to change, and I knew that the change started with me.  I went vegan for about a month and a half. What I knew was so little, but I read and watched videos and learned what I could about it all.  I actually lost eleven pounds going vegan and have since gained it all back.  I didn't stay vegan.  I found it difficult to learn how to prepare food differently than I was used to.  I felt sick because my body was releasing toxins from my previous diet.  My husband was not a fan at all, but he was supportive of me.  The kinds of foods I needed to eat were foreign to me.  It was also costly.  The truth about it all, I wasn't ready to implement this lifestyle change.  I will say that I do not eat near the amount of meat I once did.  I also make better choices about what goes into my body.  It was an interesting experiment for me.  My goal is to eventually become a non meat eater.  I think it is something you really have to be prepared for and next time I will be.

I may not have excelled at everything new I have brought into my life.   The entire point is that I got out of bed.  I did something that I had not done before.  I learned about something new.  It deepened my value of life.  I added to my knowledge.  I gained an experience. I went out there and did something.  I didn't become an expert on any of the subjects mentioned above.  I'm stepping out from what I have always known and it feels amazing.  I wake up ready to see another day.  I'm understanding myself that much more.  With optimism I will continue to move forward on the search for reason.

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